Health Hack: Hate Your Job? Say These 3 Things to Feel Better

August 11, 2020

Your boss is unbearable, the work is beneath you, the money sucks… we’re hearing a lot of people wallowing in work stress these days. You too?To help you enjoy the rest of your life, we tracked down Erik Vanderlip, MD, Psychiatrist and Mental Health Team Lead at ZOOM+Care and got some advice on diffusing work stress at the end of the day.

First, regain your sense of control.

“The worst thing about a bad work situation is feeling stuck,” says Dr. Vanderlip. “As impossible as it might seem for you to quit your job, remember that it isn’t. It would take energy and planning and hustling, but you could do it.” Repeat after us: "I’m choosing to stay in this crappy job."

Then, remember the upside of getting a paycheck.

“What’s the single most important thing that your work is paying for?” asks Vanderlip. “Whether it’s keeping a roof over your family’s head or funding a trip that you’re looking forward to, keep your eyes on the prize.”Repeat after us: "I'm choosing to stay in this crappy job for a reason."

Finally, give yourself a break.

“When we’re unhappy we have a tendency to give ourselves ultimatums — something has to change by next week or next month... or else,” says Vanderlip. “Maybe things do have to change, but setting up an arbitrary deadline only creates more stress and pressure.”The better strategy: “Have patience,” says Vanderlip. “Things may change in ways that make it easier for you to deal with your job or find a better one. They usually do.”Repeat after us: "I’m choosing to stay in this crappy job for a reason, and this crap, too, will pass."Need more help with work stress? Not feeling great about something else in your life? Schedule a same-day, no-wait visit for Mental Health*.*Note: You must be 18 or older to see a mental health specialist at ZOOM+Care.[Photo by Matthew Berry, via Burst]

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