Hey Zoom: Is Doing the Nude Bike Ride Good for My Mental Health?

August 11, 2020

YES! And we’re not just saying that because we plan to take pics and blackmail you when you run for office, start a company, or file for custody of your children.“If you do the Nude Bike Ride the right way, it can boost your confidence and resilience,” says Psychiatrist and Zoom Mental Health Team Lead Erik Vanderlip, MD MPH.Here’s how to turn June 24th into your own personal pep rally.

Make sure it has real meaning.

“The best reason to do the Nude Bike Ride is because it aligns with your values,” says Dr. Vanderlip. “When you link your choices to your values — the things you care about most — there’s an enormous psychological payoff.”If you can connect the ride to a value like bonding with your community, standing up for people’s rights, or promoting body positivity, you’re probably ready to strip and hit the saddle.

Expect things to get weird.

Uncomfortable moments are bound to creep up. Maybe your seat will rub you the wrong way, maybe you’ll fixate on your self-described muffin top, maybe you’ll pull up next to your boss.But, thanks to your values, it won’t hold you back. “Acting in line with your values gives you the energy and motivation to power through all kinds of discomfort, from pain to shame, for the sake of doing what’s important to you,” says Vanderlip.

Tap into your new superpower.

“If you register a negative thought or feeling, label it for what it is,” says Dr. Vanderlip. “It’s just a thought, just a feeling, and the riders around you may be thinking or feeling the same thing. Reaffirm your values and remember that you’re making a choice to do this because it matters.”Once you do power through, you’ll feel like a superhero, ready to take value-based risks in other parts of your life. Like, say, running for office, starting a company, or finally filing for that divorce.Not living in line with your values? Schedule a same-day, no-wait visit for Mental Health*.*Note: You must be 18 or older to see a mental health specialist at ZOOM+Care.[Photo by Peter O'Connor, via Flckr Creative Commons]

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