Meds Delivered to Your Door? Meet the Team That Makes It Happen.

August 11, 2020

How ZoomCare Works

At ZoomCare, we want to meet people where they are—which, given the current moment, can be kind of tricky. Luckily, we have ways of putting the care (and the prescriptions) you need in the palm of your hand. Enter ZoomCare's Pharmacy delivery program: If you can’t make it to us, we can fill your prescription at our central pharmacy, then ship the meds directly to your door. Easy, right?

But, like most things that look simple from the outside, putting them into practice is another thing altogether. A lot of hard work goes into making our pharmacy program feel frictionless for our patients—especially right now. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous strain on our nation's healthcare system, ZoomCare included. While the most immediate impact is on our clinics, our pharmacy and delivery programs are feeling it, too. Our pharmacy team is on the front line every day, working hard to keep these essential services up and running.

As part of our continuing series on ZoomCare’s frontline workers, we sat down (virtually) with our three members of our fabulous pharmacy team: Lisa Willinger, Mallory Kempton-Hein, and Megan Sorenson. Read on to learn more about ZOOM+Care’s Pharmacy and its Delivery program, the new challenges the organization faces due to COVID-19, and how they’re adjusting to pharmacy life during the pandemic.  

Hey ladies! So, before we get into it—how are you holding up?

MALLORY: I am doing good, all things considering! Besides the drastic increase in doing puzzles, I am trying to keep my routine as close to normal as possible.

ZOOM+Care pharmacist
Mallory Kempton-Hein, Pharmacist

For those who don’t know, can you tell us a little bit about ZoomCare’s pharmacy and home delivery service? 

LISA: ZoomCare Pharmacy serves two distinct functions. We pre-pack medications in unit-dose bottles for all of our clinics and serve as consultant medication experts for our providers. We also have a fully-functional retail pharmacy with home delivery service available to all patients, including employees. We take most insurances and offer low cash prices to those patients who either do not have prescription insurance or are out of network. Most prescriptions are filled and shipped within one business day, offering a very convenient service to patients!

What, if any, new challenges do you and pharmacy staff face due to COVID-19?

MEGAN: One challenge the pharmacy staff is facing is to make sure we are keeping a 6 feet distance from one another while continuing to serve our patients and support our providers and crew out in the clinics.

What role does Zoom’s Pharmacy Home Delivery play in the COVID-19 outbreak? 

MALLORY: Zoom Pharmacy is trying to support our patients by encouraging social distancing and delivering her prescriptions directly to her home. This way, our patients can stay home and prevent the spread of COVID.

Do you think the pandemic will change the way we get our medications in the future? 

MALLORY: I think this pandemic has changed how we think about using delivery for all items, including medication. This pandemic has pushed people to move to a home delivery method, but being able to avoid long lines and waiting at the pharmacy is a convenience for our patients now and in the future.

ZOOM+Care pharmacist
Lisa Willinger, Pharmacist

 What is a typical day for you like before coronavirus? What are your days like now?

 MEGAN: For us, our workdays are very similar—except there’s no traffic to and from work. 

Unlike many ZoomCare employee’s, the pharmacy staff is unable to work from home. Can you describe the mood amongst your team?

LISA: There are definitely days we wish we could work from home, but overall the team’s morale has been great. My coworkers have really stepped up to take on extra projects and tasks to support each other during this time. 

What’s your favorite activity or practice to keep the COVID blues at bay?

 MEGAN: I’ve been walking my dog while listening to some podcasts, watching shows/movies, and catching up with family and friends via FaceTime. 

What are you doing to cope with stress and anxiety right now?

MEGAN: I’ve been running outside to cope with my stress and remind myself this won't last forever.

Any advice on how to help/support medical and pharmacy workers during this time?

MALLORY: We are here to help you, and with healthcare stretched thin right now, please be patient and understanding. Also, please stay home!

If you could tell the general public one thing right now, what would it be?

LISA: I would like to say thank you to everyone out there who has continued to be patient and kind despite the stress and uncertainty of COVID. I have seen so much compassion in the world the past few months that it makes me very optimistic for the future. 

ZOOM+Care pharmacy tech
Megan Sorenson, Pharmacy Technician

ZoomCare is doing a lot to fight COVID-19 in our community. What's been your proudest moment on the job since the pandemic hit?

MALLORY: My proudest moment has been seeing Emma’s on the frontlines. It has been so inspiring to see them put their own needs and concerns about COVID aside to take care of our patients. 

My favorite question: What’s the first thing you’re going to do when all of this is over?

LISA: My fiance and I had one of the many wedding casualties of the season, so we are definitely going to have a big wedding reception when this all blows over! I am also itching to go to an outside concert or festival. Oh, and karaoke. Definitely karaoke.

ZOOM+Care home delivery


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