There’s a Mental Health Crisis on College Campuses. We'd Like to Help.

August 11, 2020

Seen at Zoom

The college experience is painted with bright-colored brushstrokes. It's supposed to be a time of self-discovery, exploration, and experimentation. However, reality doesn't always match the glossy ideal on the brochure. Students feel an immense pressure to 'figure things out'—figure out their lives, their careers, and their place in an ever-changing world. On top of that, many have to shoulder sizable debt with no with no certainty of being able to repay it. For today's students, a college degree no longer guarantees the economic security it once did. 

Simply put, college is a massive burden for a young person to bear.

While college has always been stressful, recent data suggests it's becoming more so—and the additional burden of mental illness doesn't help. Compounding this problem, many mental health disorders don't begin until the late teens or early 20s. So—not only are students living away from home for the first time—but they may be experiencing anxiety and depression for the very first time, too.

All over the country, colleges and universities are reporting an explosion of mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide. According to a 2018 study from the American College Health Association, over 60 percent of university students reported "overwhelming anxiety" over the course of the year. More than 40 percent said they felt so depressed, they had difficulty going about daily life. 

While most colleges provide free, short-term counseling and care, the number of students who need mental healthcare far exceeds the resources of most counseling centers. What's more, the demand for these services tends to be cyclical, with students increasing use toward the middle of the semester—which creates a bottleneck. 

Even more concerning? Some students avoid using university resources altogether out of fear of repercussion. Frequently, students are forced to take medical leave to avoid liability related to campus suicides. Some colleges have even expelled students who express suicidal ideation.  

While the cause of the spike is still undetermined, one thing is for sure: There is a substantial unmet need for mental health treatment among college students. 

How ZOOM+Care can help 

Limited options and long waits aren't strictly a campus problem—they're the norm for mental healthcare everywhere. At ZOOM+Care, we’re helping break down barriers by offering ultra-accessible, affordable visits to people in all walks of life.  

We don't want anyone, student or not, to be stuck on a waiting list for weeks, unable to get help. That's why we take a "no wrong door" approach to mental healthcare.

Getting assistance is as simple as scheduling a same-day ZOOM+Care visit directly from your phone. You can see a member of our mental health team, or try your hand at our daily care offerings. You can also use Chat Care to refill or manage medications—or to reach out for judgment-free advice and guidance. It's all private, all on your terms, and all in your control.

If you or someone you know has a pressing mental health concern, we're here. 

Schedule Now, or check out our Mental Health FAQs. 

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