Why Men Don't Like Going to the Doctor—and How ZoomCare Can Help

August 11, 2020

Seen at Zoom

This article is in celebration of the 2019 Movember campaign, "Changing the face of men's health." The Movember Foundation helps raise  awareness for prostate cancer, but also focuses on other aspects of men's  mental—and overall—well-being.As much as we hate (read: loathe, abhor) gender stereotypes, there's one cliché that holds true: Men avoid the doctor like the plague.Compared with women, self-identified males are half as likely to see a doctor over a two-year time period. Compounding this behavior, they frequently leave prescriptions unfilled and skip their recommended medical screenings. When men wind up in the hospital, it's more likely to be from severe issues such as pneumonia, congestive heart failure, and diabetes—conditions that could easily be uncovered through routine, preventative care. Grimmer still? Compared to women, men die five years sooner, live with more years of bad health, and—according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention—are nearly four times more likely to complete suicide. Looking at the data, it's abundantly clear that men don't like going to the doctor. (So much, in fact, that 72 percent of them would rather clean a toilet then get a check-up.) The real question is why they hate it.A 2016 survey commissioned by Orlando Health may hold some answers. According to the results, "I'm too busy" (22%) is the number one excuse men give for skipping the doctor. Other top answers include fear of finding out something that may be wrong (21%), followed by discomfort with specific physical exams, such as prostate checks (18%). Our societal view of masculinity may also be to blame.Traditional gender roles dictate that men be strong and resilient; they're taught to reject their weaknesses and hide their vulnerability. Pretty much everything about a doctor's office is in opposition to masculine norms, and because of this, men's anxieties about seeking care may be intensified. (An idea backed by research conducted at Rutgers University in 2016.)

How can ZoomCare help?

Convenience is key.

Sixty-one percent of men say they would be more likely to go to the doctor if it was convenient.  By offering same-day, no-wait visits (both inside and outside of work hours), we make it easy for people of all genders to get care. Only have 30 minutes on your lunch break? No problem. We can get you in and out with time to spare—and meds in hand.

Using tech to avoid embarrassment.

Beyond busyness, one of the biggest obstacles to men seeking treatment is that they're embarrassed—or simply reluctant—to talk about their health issues.Our ChatCare feature lets patients connect with a provider without setting foot in a doctor's office—meaning they're answering questions privately, rather than confessing uncomfortable facts face-to-face. While we can't treat all concerns via ChatCare, our MDs, NDs, NPs, and PAs can diagnose and treat issues such as allergic rhinitis, sinus infections, asthma, low back pain, colds, coughs, diarrhea, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, fever, hypertension, insomnia, smoking cessation, UTIs, and more.And because it's easy to refill prescriptions through ChatCare, it can help address the issue of men skipping their meds, too.

Stamping out stigma.

Up to 41% of adults forego treatment for mental health concerns due to stigma and fear of discrimination. For men—many of whom have been told to "man up" and "shake it off" their whole lives—accessing mental health resources can be particularly daunting, as it goes against cultural expectations. We want to make mental healthcare convenient and judgement-free—for men, and for anyone who is nervous about seeking help. Our philosophy is that mental illness is like any other medical illness—it's no more shameful than a sore throat or a broken bone. As Dr. Erik Vanderlip, our Chief Medical Officer likes to say, "Just like you'd go to the doctor for a sprained ankle, you can see a Mental Health Care professional for an assessment."

Integration is essential.

Due to growing demand, there's been an increase in online health retailers and specialty clinics that focus on men's health concerns—erectile dysfunction and low testosterone being the most common.  These conditions, however, are typically multifactorial. Psychological causes such as depression—and physical factors such as obesity and diabetes—can mimic the same symptoms. For the best treatment, it's crucial to obtain a high-quality, comprehensive evaluation. At ZoomCare, we do it all—conveniently, and with discretion.

Do your part for Movember.

Men are our fathers, sons, partners, friends, uncles, and brothers. Let’s work together to create a cultural shift where they don’t find it difficult (or embarrassing) to seek out medical care. This month and every month, encourage men's health initiatives, foster healthy discussions, and—most importantly—let the men in your life know that their health matters.

Don't postpone your care, dudes. Schedule a same-day, no-wait visit today!

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